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RACELOGIC Support Centre

Sales Quotes - Full Process

  • Click on the Sales menu.
  • Select Quotes.
  • Click on the blue Add Quote button.
Sales Quote Details
  • Complete all required/desired fields. Click in the boxes for drop down lists.
    • Owner defaults to the User, this can be changed.
    • RFQ is optional, this could be a tender reference.
    • Include discount column, click to change to Yes if you would like to see a discount column on the PDF.


If the Customer is not listed, open a new  Unity tab and follow the process Creating Customer Accounts.

If the delivery address is not listed when scrolling, follow the process Adding a Customer Address.

  • Click Submit.
IMPORTANT: The Sales Quote Identifier numbers are sequential between different sites, do not expect them to run in order.
Editing Sales Quote Details (if applicable)
  • Click the right-hand pencil on the Sales Quote Details section.
  • Edit incorrect information. Click in the boxes for drop down lists.
  • Click Submit.
Adding Stock Codes 
  • Click the blue Add item button.
  • Click in the Stock item box and type or scroll to the correct stock code.
  • Edit the Quantity if applicable.
  • Click the add extra description box and enter text in the Description box if required.
  • Discount % will be automatically applied if applicable. Any additional discount should be signed off by a Manager.
  • Click Submit.


To add stock code bullets or translation, open a new Unity tab and follow the process Adding Stock Code  Bullets and Translations.

Continue to add all stock codes, remember to add a DELIVERY line, adding a Unit amount.

Editing Stock Codes (if applicable)
  • Click the right-hand pencil on the line to edit.
  • Click into the boxes to edit.
  • Click Submit.
IMPORTANT: To add page breaks/dividers follow the process Dividers and Page Breaks.
  • Click the blue View PDF button to check the quote.
  • Click the (anonymous) x to come out of the PDF.


Click the blue Edit PDF text button to edit PDF upper, middle, lower text if required, click Submit and view PDF to check.

Check the greeting if Female as this will need editing for German quotes.

If the quote is incorrect, follow the process How to Revise a Sales Quote.

  • Click the green Complete Quote box.
  • Click Confirm to complete the quote, or Cancel.
  • The status will change from 'open' to 'locked'
  • Email the Quote to a Customer by following the process Emailing a PDF.


An audit trail will  be recorded in History/Notes.  To add additional notes follow the process, Adding History/Notes.

Files can be uploaded if required.  To upload files follow the process Uploading/Viewing files.






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