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RACELOGIC Support Centre

Loading a Lane

To load a previously surveyed lane within a Lane Departure Warning test, please follow the steps below:

  1. Copy the created .vbc file on to the root directory of the compact flash card being used in the VB3iSL-RTK unit.
  2. Place the Compact Flash card into the VB3iSL-RTK unit.
  3. Connect VBOX Manager to the VBOX within the vehicle.
  4. Select the 'ADAS' option from the 'SETUP' menu and ensure 'Lane Dep' is selected.

    VBMAN ADAS Subject Contact Points.png
  5. Select the appropriate lane number within the 'Lane' menu.

    VBMAN ADAS Subject Contact Points.png
  6. Scroll to 'Configure Lane', select and choose the 'Load' option.
 VBMAN ADAS Subject Contact Points.png  VBMAN ADAS Subject Contact Points.png
  1. The VBOX will browse the CF card for .vbc files, select the appropriate .vbc file for the reference lane in question.

    VBMAN ADAS Subject Contact Points.png
  2. Once loaded, the 'Configure Lane' menu will display 'Lane Set'

    VBMAN ADAS Subject Contact Points.png
  3. The lane is now loaded into the VBOX and is ready to be used to generate live Lane Departure values.
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