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CAN Output – VBOX 3i ADAS

The VBOX 3i ADAS has a CAN output which is present on the 5-way connector output.

Motorola Format

Data format: Motorola
Baud rate: 500 kbit/s

You can find the channel definitions here.

Available CAN output frames
ID* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
0x301 (1) Satellites (2) Time since Midnight UTC (3) Position Latitude
0x302 (4) Position Longitude (5) Speed (kts) (6) Heading ( °)
0x303 (7) Altitude (m) (8) Vertical Velocity (m/s) Unused (9) Status 1 (10) Status 2
0x304 (11) Trigger Distance (m) (12) Longitudinal Acceleration (g) (13) Lateral Acceleration (g)
0x305 (14) Distance (m) (15) Trigger Time (16) Trigger Speed (kts)
0x306 (17) Speed Quality (km/h) (18) True Heading ( °)** Unused
0x307 (19) Lateral Velocity (km/h) Unused (20) Longitudinal Velocity (km/h)
0x308 (21) Position Latitude 48-bit (22) Position Quality (23) Solution Type
0x309 (24) Position Longitude 48-bit (25) Speed Robot Nav (kts)**
0x314 Unused (26) Sats Robot Nav (27) Time Since Midnight Robot Nav (28) RobotHead Robot Nav**
0x322 (29) Trigger Event UTC Part 1 (30) Trigger Event UTC Part 2
0x323 (31) Heading IMU ( °)*** (32) Roll Ang IMU ( °)*** (33) Pitch Ang IMU ( °)*** (34) Status KF***
0x324 (35) Dant Mode (36) MP Type Number Unused (37) FW Version (Major) (38) FW Version (Minor) (39) FW Version (Build)
0x329 (40) X Position (41) Y Position
0x32A (42) RobotHead Vehico ( °) (43) Speed Vehico (km/h) (44) Position Quality Vehico (45) Solution Type Vehico Unused
0x32B (46) GPSDayH (47) GPSDayL (48) Diff Age Unused (49) Serial Number (24 bit) (50) VBOX Type Unused

*Default Identifiers. The identifier values can be changed using the configuration software.
**Channels only present on dual-antenna systems.
***Channels only present when IMU is enabled.

  1. If Satellites in view < 3 then only Identifier 0x301 transmitted and bytes 2 to 8 are set to 0x00.
  2. Time since midnight. This is a count of 10 ms intervals since midnight UTC. (5383690 = 53836.90 seconds since midnight or 14 hours, 57 minutes and 16.90 seconds).
  3. Position, Latitude in minutes * 100,000 (311924579 = 51 Degrees, 59.24579 Minutes North). This is a true 32 bit signed integer, North being positive.
  4. Position, Longitude in minutes * 100,000 (11882246 = 1 Degrees, 58.82246 Minutes West). This is a true 32 bit signed integer, West being positive.
  5. Velocity, 0.01 kts per bit.
  6. Heading, 0.01° per bit.
  7. Altitude above mean sea level based on the Model of earth used, 0.01 m per bit, signed.
  8. Vertical Velocity, 0.01 m/s per bit, signed.
  9. Status. 8 bit unsigned char. Bit 0 = VBOX Lite, Bit 1 = Open or Closed CAN Bus (1=open), 2 = VBOX3, Bit 3 = Logging Status.
  10. Status_2 is an 8-bit unsigned char. Bit 0 = Alive, Bit 1 = DANT_Enabled, Bit 2 = Dual_Lock, Bit 3 = BrakeTest_Active, Bit 4 = BrakeTrigger_Active, Bit 5 = DGNSS, Bit 6 = East,
    Bit 7 = South
  11. Distance, 0.000078125 m per bit, unsigned. Corrected to trigger point.
  12. Longitudinal Acceleration, 0.01 g per bit, signed.
  13. Lateral Acceleration, 0.01 g per bit, signed.
  14. Distance travelled since VBOX reset, 0.000078125 m per bit, unsigned.
  15. Time from last brake trigger event, 0.01 seconds per bit.
  16. Velocity at brake trigger point, 0.01 kts per bit, interpolated between samples.
  17. Velocity Quality, 0.01 km/h per bit.
  18. True Heading of vehicle, 16 bit signed integer, 0.01° per bit.
  19. Lateral Velocity, 16 bit signed integer 0.01 km/h per bit.
  20. Longitudinal Velocity, 16 bit signed integer 0.01 km/h per bit.
  21. Position, Latitude 48 bit signed integer, Latitude * 10,000,000 (minutes). North being positive.
  22. Position Quality, 8 bit unsigned integer.
  23. Solution Type, 8 bit unsigned integer, 0 = None, 1 = GNSS only, 2 = GNSS DGPS, 3 = RTK Float, 4 = RTK Fixed, 5 = Fixed position, 6 = IMU Coast.
  24. Position, Longitude 48 bit signed integer, Longitude *10,000,000 (minutes). East being positive.
  25. Velocity, 16 bit signed integer 0.01 kts per bit (not delayed when ADAS mode enabled).
  26. Robot Navigation Satellites.
  27. Time since midnight. This is a count of 10 ms intervals since midnight GPS. (5383690 = 53836.90 seconds since midnight or 14 hours, 57 minutes and 16.90 seconds) (not delayed when ADAS enabled).
  28. Robot heading, 16 bit unsigned integer 0.01° per bit (not delayed when ADAS enabled).
  29. Trigger event UTC time - milliseconds since midnight UTC (part 1 of 2 part message), unsigned.
  30. Trigger event UTC time - nanoseconds since midnight UTC (part 2 of 2 part message), unsigned.
  31. Heading derived from the Kalman Filter (activated when IMU integration is enabled).
  32. Roll Angle derived from Kalman Filter (activated when IMU integration is enabled).
  33. Pitch Angle derived from Kalman Filter (activated when IMU integration is enabled).
  34. Kalman filter status, 12 bit unsigned integer. See VBOX 3i Kalman Filter Status for details.
  35. Dual antenna mode on or off, 1 for on, 0 for off (used by ABD robot systems).
  36. Motion pack type number, outputted as 6 (used by ABD robot systems).
  37. VBOX FW version, ,major, 8 bit unsigned.
  38. VBOX FW version, minor, 8-bit unsigned.
  39. VBOX FW version, build number, 16 bit unsigned.
  40. X position in metres from the origin, the origin and direction can be set when in Vehico Robot Mode, other wise the origin is the first valid sample and the X direction is East. 32 bit float (not delayed when ADAS is enabled, used by Vehico robot systems).
  41. Y position in metres from the origin, the origin and direction can be set when in Vehico Robot Mode, other wise the origin is the first valid sample and the Y direction is North. 32 bit float (not delayed when ADAS is enabled, used by Vehico robot systems).
  42. Robot heading translated to Vehico Coordinate frame (not delayed when ADAS is enabled, used by Vehico robot systems).
  43. Speed, 0.01 knots per bit (not delayed when ADAS is enabled, used by Vehico robot systems).
  44. Position quality, 8 bit (used by Vehico robot systems).
  45. Solution type, 8 bit (used by Vehico robot systems).
  46. GPS Day High, unsigned char, most significant byte day number since 6th Jan 1980.
  47. GPS Day Low, unsigned char, least significant byte day number since 6th Jan 1980.
  48. Differential Age - unsigned char, (s) differential age (0xFF = invalid).
  49. Serial Number - 20 bit, VBOX serial number.
  50. VBOX Type - VB3i = 1, VB3iS = 2, VBOX Omega = 3.
With IMU

Note: Only available when an IMU is connected and detected.

Data format: Each data channel is in an IEEE 32 bit float Motorola form.
Baud rate: 500 kbit/s

You can find the channel definitions here.

Available CAN output frames
ID* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
0x600 (1) YAWRate  (°/s) (2) X-Acceleration (g)
0x601 (3) Y-Acceleration (g) (4) Height
0x602 (5) PitchRate  (°/s) (6) RollRate (°/s)
0x603 (7) Z-Acceleration (g) Unused

*Default Identifiers. The identifier values can be changed using the configuration software.

In timed mode, you can change the update rate in the configuration software

The IMU CAN database is available in vector database (DBC File) format on the VBOX Automotive website.

  1. Degrees per second measurement from a gyro in the YAW plane of a vehicle. +ve clockwise.
  2. Accelerometer measurement in the vehicle's longitudinal plane, +ve for forward acceleration. This measurement is not compensated for gravitational influence.
  3. Accelerometer measurement in the vehicle's lateral plane, +ve for acceleration to the left. This measurement is not compensated for gravitational influence.
  4. Height from the VBOX (above mean sea level based on the WGS84 model of the earth). 
  5. Rotational rate measurement from a gyro in the longitudinal axis of a vehicle. -ve nose down.
  6. Rotational rate measurement from a gyro in the lateral axis of a vehicle. +ve for counterclockwise rotation.
  7. Accelerometer measurement in the vehicle's vertical plane, +ve for upward acceleration. This measurement is not compensated for gravitational influence.


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