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RACELOGIC Support Centre

Bluetooth Pairing

Information on how to perform Bluetooth pairing with your VBOX 3i RTK (v5) unit with firmware version 2.8.


The VBOX 3i units come equipped with a Bluetooth radio that lets you configure the VBOX unit remotely, along with the remote output of real-time VBOX serial data at the full 100 Hz data rate, to any Bluetooth-capable PC or data logger.

  • The VBOX unit will need the Bluetooth antenna connected and the computer will require a Bluetooth module or dongle to establish a virtual connection.
  • The VBOX unit will connect to the computer via SPP (serial port profile). You can do this as a secured or unsecured connection.

Note: The pairing code for a secure connection is 1234.

You can find notes on how to connect to a Windows 8 PC here.



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