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RACELOGIC Support Centre

04 - VBOX II VBOX Setup Logging

The Logging menu allows you to change the method of logging, logging rate, stop logging delay duration and serial output rate.

VBII VBOX Setup Logging.png

  1. Log Condition

Select whether the VBOX will commence logging when moving, continuously or using advanced conditions. 

  • Only when moving: Logging will begin when speed is greater than 0.5 km/h and stop when under this value.
  • Continuously: Logging will begin automatically whenever media is inserted. After insertion of media, logging can be controlled manually by using a start/stop logging switch (if connected) or by pressing ’■’ on the front panel.
  1. Log Rate

Choose between 5 log rate options: 1 Hz, 2 Hz, 5 Hz, 10 Hz and 20 Hz.

  1. Stop Logging Delay

Select the stop logging delay, available between 0-10 seconds.

Note: Not available if 'Continuously' logging is selected.

  1. Serial Output

Choose between 5 serial output options: 1 Hz, 2 Hz, 5 Hz, 10 Hz and 20 Hz.

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