The ‘R41 Pass-By Noise’ test is a plugin for the VBOX Test Suite software.
The test itself allows the user to measure the Maximum Sound Pressure level of motorcycles. The WOT tests must be conducted first, followed by the constant speed tests and then the ASEP test for the software automation of the plugin to work.
Pass-By Noise hardware and software setup information is available here.
Ribbon Bar
The R41 Pass-By Noise test has a tailored 'Test Setup' ribbon bar, from which the test and test area can be configured.

Note: Ribbon bar icons may move/ resize dependent on the Software window size.

The 'Configure' button displays a pop up window whereby the parameters of the test can be defined.
The 'Report' button creates a report from the current test results. This button is only available when a run or run has been selected from the test results
Maths Channel
Allows the user to create unique maths channels. For more information on maths channels, please see the ‘Maths Channels’ section.
Save Settings
The 'Save Settings' button will save this individual test setup and will appear in the ‘Saved Settings’ area of the ‘Add Test’ window.
This test will also be added to the list of R41 Pass-By Noise tests under the 'Pass-By Noise' icon on the 'Home' tab for easy switching of the current test.
Export (Ctrl+E)
The 'Export' button displays a drop down menu which allows the user to export either the selected results or line results to either a .csv or .txt file. It is also possible to export the data to a .vbo file for later analysis without the need to take the file from the VBOX's compact flash card. This can also be accessed by using the keyboard shortcut 'Ctrl+E'.

Add Start Line (space)
The 'Add Start Line' button allows the user to use VBOX Test Suite as an alternative to using the light barrier kit to set a start line. More information can be found below. It will add a virtual start line(s) to the chart and map area at the point of the cursor, indicated by green coloured lines. The currently selected gate is indicated by a dark blue coloured line. Once a start line has been added, the gate width can be specified. This can also be achieved by using the keyboard space button.
Allows the user to rename the start line.
Deletes the start line.
Allows the user to either export the start line as a .spl file for reusing at a later date or using with another VBOX product, or import a previously saved or provided .spl gates file.
Data Column

The 'Add' button adds a column to the test results area. Selecting this button will bring up a drop down window where the user can select a channel to display in the test results window.
Sort Ascending/Sort Descending
The Sort Ascending and Sort Descending buttons will sort the values based on the currently selected column in the results area.

Select All (Ctrl+A)
The 'Select All' button allows the user to tick every run in the results area at once. This can also be accessed by using the keyboard shortcut 'Ctrl+A'.
Deselect All (Ctrl+E)
The 'Deselect All' button allows the user to de select every run in the results area at once. This can also be accessed by using the keyboard shortcut 'Ctrl+E'.
The 'Edit Data' button allows the user to enter session specific data such as driver name, track facility and weather data.
Help (F1)

Pressing this 'Help' button will automatically open an internet browsing window and load the relevant section of the Racelogic Support Centre. This page will only be displayed if there is a valid internet connection. If there is no valid internet connection, a cached version of the relevant section (from the last software update) will be presented in PDF form. This can also be accessed by using the keyboard shortcut 'F1'.
Test Configuration
Selecting the 'Configure' button will display a pop up window where the user can define the parameters of the test. These include the start and end conditions, as well as the pass conditions.
Use the up and down buttons
to the right of the parameters to Expand and Collapse the parameter headings.

Start On
When the Laser Light Barrier is used, the channel 'Trigger' should be selected in the dropdown menu.
Note: If a trigger is used as the start condition, the test will ignore any other trigger activations during the duration of the test.
Start Line Offset (m)
Allows the user to set the distance between the reflective strip and the Start Line AA’ of the Test Area. As a recommendation, the reflective strip should be located at a distance of 30 m from the Start Line.
Test Speed
Set the speed of the test (50 km/h by default). The R41 Regulation requires a different test speed to be used if a motorbike has a low power to mass ratio.
Allows the user to specify the channels to be used for the Microphones, RPM and Gear Position. Microphone 1 and RPM channels are mandatory before the test can be run.
Allows the user to specify the channel to be used for the Air temperature channel only when using a weather station otherwise it can be left blank. If a channel is selected, a pass/fail column for temperature appears in the results table to ensure during each test run that the ambient air temperature is within the specified range. The default values are 5°C to 45°C.
Wind Speed
Allows the user to specify the channel to be used for the Wind Speed if using a weather station, otherwise it can be left blank. If a channel is selected, a pass/fail column for wind speed appears in the results table to ensure during each test run that the wind speed, including gusts, at microphone height doesn't exceed the maximum threshold. The default maximum is 5 m/s.
Noise Threshold
Allows the user to specify the maximum sound levels that the test results must not exceed during the Wide Open Throttle and Steady Speed tests.
Creating Start Lines
GPS Start Lines
An alternative method to using the light barrier kit is for customers with an RTK enabled VBOX 3i to set up start lines, either while online to the VBOX or from a previously logged file. The Start line names can be renamed or deleted as required.
Setting Start Lines when Online
When Test Suite is connected to a VBOX, drive to the required point on the track such that the GPS antenna is in line with a measured distance to the test area start line AA’, which is the start line offset. Click the 'Add Start Line' button on the ‘Test Setup’ tab and drive away in a straight line in order for Test Suite to understand the direction of which the line should be set. If using both directions of the test track, then repeat the procedure in the opposite direction.
Setting Start Lines when Offline
To set the start lines in a previously logged file, position the map cursor on the correct part of the track and then either click the 'Add Start Line' button on the ‘Test Setup’ tab or use the keyboard space bar.
Test Configuration with GPS Start Lines
Once the start lines have been created, Racelogic recommend the saving of test settings. This will allow the user to repeatedly recall these start lines without having to set them individually for each test.

Since the test can be conducted in both directions, test settings can be modified such that the start on lines can be configured for 1 or 2 lines in the drop down menu.
In order to prevent situations where the start line offset is less than the vehicle front offset to the antenna, the minimum value of the start line offset is 5 m. The default value of the start line offset is 30 m.
Completing a Test
To start an online test, the user must first select the correct COM port from the ‘Online’ drop down menu in home tab. Once connected to a VBOX, the dashboard will change to show the 'START', 'STOP' and 'RESET' buttons.
Starting, Stopping and Resetting a Test
By pressing the 'START' button, the software will add a tab to the Test Results area ready to be populated with results once the start and end criteria have been met. The 'START' button will also change to a 'PAUSE' button, allowing the user to pause the test. To resume the test, simply press the 'RESUME' button.
To finish a test, simply press the 'STOP' button. This will stop all open tests. Once the stop button has been pressed, future results cannot be added to that results tab. Pressing the 'START' button will open up a new results tab.
If, for any reason, a mistake has been made during the test, it is possible to restart the test by pressing the 'RESET' button.
Refresh Channel Names
When conducting Pass-By Noise testing it is recommended to turn off Refresh Channel Names, meaning that VBOX Test Suite will store the channel names from the last online session. When connected, any CAN channels from modules that are no longer connected will be included as unnamed channels. If the number of CAN channels in the serial stream for the new VBOX connection matches the number of CAN channels in the last online session, you will be prompted to set the channel names from the last connection.
This is useful where you would like to view the channels from the mini input module (which was previously connected to a VB3i for configuration and connected online within VBOX Test Suite) that is connected to a sound level meter roadside and communicating with the VB3i via radio.
Test Results Area
The test results area is the area that displays all of the results from the current test. Within this area it is possible to include/exclude results from the chart area, display the average/max/min values and also easily identify any runs which have not met the pass criteria.
Every time a new test is started (via the 'START' button on the dashboard), or a new file is loaded, a new tab will be added to the test results area, allowing the user to switch between separate tests or files and compare runs from each. A session can be removed from the results area by pressing the ‘x’ icon on the tab.
Rename file
It is possible to rename the session tab by double clicking on the tab header. Changing the session tab within the software will automatically change the name of the locally saved .vbo file.
Session Data
By pressing the 'Edit Data' button
next to the name of the file/run or in the ‘Test Setup' ribbon bar, a new window will be displayed whereby the user can add various different pieces of vehicle and test information, such as:-
- Vehicle
- Vehicle Model
- Vehicle Number
- Driver Name
- Engine details
- Exhaust Model
- Kerb Mass
- RPM details
- Measurements
- Enter the front and rear vehicle offsets from the laser light trigger, or GNSS antenna if using GPS start/finish lines (required). The start of the test is deemed to be when the front of the vehicle passes the start line and the end is when the rear of the vehicle passes the finish line.
- Wheels/Tyres
- Wheel Dimensions
- Tyre Make
- Tyre Dimensions
- Tyre Model
- Tyre Pressures
- Test
- Test Date
- Test Track
- Test Facility
- Comments
- Conditions
- Weather
- Temperature
- Track Temperature
- Humidity
- Wind Speed
When in 'Offline' mode, this information will be saved into the .vbo file meaning that this information will be recalled every time the file is loaded into VBOX Test Suite.
When in 'Online' mode, a newly-created session will be populated with session data from the previous session.
This information will be included in the test report to allow the user to understand which result applies to which tyre.
Note: The vehicle offsets measurements are mandatory, however the other data is purely optional and has no effect on the test or test result.
To save time, it is possible for the user to import and export the session information for use in other sessions.
Once the session information has been completed, it is possible to export the data to a .vbses file. This file will contain all the session information that can then be imported into the open session information field.
Before starting a test, please ensure that Vehicle Offset Measurements are entered or imported from a previously saved .vbses file.
Result Columns
The software will create different tabs at the top of Test Results area to differentiate between wide-open throttle, steady speed and ASEP runs.

Along the top of the Test results area are some default columns. These columns are:-
- Run – Indicates which run number the results relate to, with run one being the first run completed. There is also a selection box that, when ticked, includes that run in the graph and into the Average/Max/Min/Standard Deviation calculations. Once selected, a coloured square will appear to indicate which colour this run is displayed as on the graph.
Note: If you are loading a file offline, all valid runs are ticked automatically.
- Time – The total time the run has taken.
- Speed at Start – Speed value at the start line AA’.
- Speed at Mid – Speed value at the microphone line PP’.
- Speed at End – Speed value at the finish line BB’.
- Acceleration – Average acceleration value between lines AA’ and BB’.
- Mic1 Max – Maximum Sound Level value of Mic1.
- Mic2 Max – Maximum Sound Level value of Mic2.
- Noise – Pass or Fail Status when Mic1/2 Max is compare to the Noise Threshold value.
- RPM at Start – RPM value at the start line AA’.
- RPM at Mid – RPM value at the microphone line PP’.
- RPM at End – RPM value at the finish line BB’.
Adding a Column
It is possible to add columns to the test results area by selecting the ‘Add’ button on the ‘Test Setup' tab in the ribbon bar. Selecting this button will display a drop down list of all available channels which the user can select to display as a results column. By default, this value is displayed as an ‘At End’ value, whereby the column will display the value of that parameter at the end of the run.
It is also possible to right click anywhere in the test results area and select the ‘Add’ option from the dropdown menu.
To remove a column, simply select the ‘x’ icon that appears when you hover over the column title. If a column has been removed, it can be added again by selecting the ‘Add’ button and choosing the desired channel.
Editing a Column
As default, a column is added as an ‘At End’ condition. It is possible to change this by selecting the column title you wish to edit (once selected, the column will be highlighted in yellow) and changing the condition in the ‘data column’ area in the ‘Test Setup’ tab of the ribbon bar.

It is possible to choose the following conditions for the main results:-
- Avg – The mean average of the parameter during the run.
- Max – The maximum value of the parameter during the run.
- Min – The minimum value of the parameter during the run.
- Delta – The difference between the start and end value of the parameter.
- Std Dev – The standard deviation of the parameter during the run.
- At Start – The value of the parameter at the start of the run.
- At End – The value of the parameter at the end of the run.
- Start Line – The value of the parameter at the crossing of the specified start line.
It is also possible to change the displayed parameter, by using the other drop down menu on the ribbon tab and selecting the desired parameter.
Sorting the Results
It is possible to either sort the result in either ascending or descending order. To do this, first select the desired column and then click either the ‘Sort Ascending’ or ‘Sort Descending’ buttons from the ribbon bar. This action can also be performed by right clicking in the test results area.
It is possible to filter results by right clicking on a value within the cell results table (e.g. Time (s)). You can then choose to include only results with a value equal to the selected value or that have a value that is <= than or >= than the selected value for that channel. Multiple channels can be filtered, a notification bar above the results shows which filters are applied. To remove the filters, click on the 'x' within this bar.
Copying Cells (Ctrl+C), Rows or Columns
Individual results cells can be copied so that they can be pasted into another piece of software. To copy a cell, select the required cell, right click and then select ‘Copy’ or use the keyboard shortcut 'Ctrl+C'. To select multiple cells, either left click with the mouse and drag or hold down the 'Ctrl' when selecting. To select all cells between 2 cells, hold down the 'Shift' key when selecting.
It is also possible to copy an individual row, column or the entire results table. This is achieved by right clicking the required row or column and selecting ‘Copy Row’, ‘Copy column’ or ‘Copy all’.
Renaming a Column (F2)
To rename a column, you can either Double Click on the column title, right click the required column and select ‘Rename Column’ or use the keyboard shortcut 'F2' whilst the column is highlighted. Renamed columns will be included within an exported file and a generated report.
Right clicking anywhere in the test results area and selecting the ‘Export’ option from the dropdown menu will replicate the function of 'Export' within the Ribbon Bar.
Average/Max/Min/Standard Deviation Values
It is possible for the software to automatically calculate the Average/Max/Min/Standard Deviation values of all relevant runs by ticking the selection box next to the relevant run number.
Once more than one result has been selected, the average, maximum and minimum values will be displayed, and once more than two results have been selected, the standard deviation of the selected runs will be also be displayed.
Selecting the tick box next to the ‘Avg’ line will add a moving average ‘best fit’ curve to all of the selected runs.
Sorting the Results
It is possible to either sort the result in either ascending or descending order. To do this, first select the desired column and then click either the ‘Sort Ascending’ or ‘Sort Descending’ buttons from the ribbon bar. This action can also be performed by right clicking in the test results area.
It is possible to filter results by right clicking on a value within the cell results table (e.g. Time (s)). You can then choose to include only results with a value equal to the selected value or that have a value that is <= than or >= than the selected value for that channel. Multiple channels can be filtered, a notification bar above the results shows which filters are applied. To remove the filters, click on the 'x' within this bar.
Copying Cells (Ctrl+C), Rows or Columns
Individual results cells can be copied so that they can be pasted into another piece of software. To copy a cell, select the required cell, right click and then select ‘Copy’ or use the keyboard shortcut 'Ctrl+C'. To select multiple cells, either left click with the mouse and drag or hold down the 'Ctrl' when selecting. To select all cells between 2 cells, hold down the 'Shift' key when selecting.
It is also possible to copy an individual row, column or the entire results table. This is achieved by right clicking the required row or column and selecting ‘Copy Row’, ‘Copy column’ or ‘Copy all’.
Right clicking anywhere in the test results area and selecting the ‘Export’ option from the dropdown menu will replicate the function of 'Export' within the Ribbon Bar.
Average/Max/Min/Standard Deviation Values
It is possible for the software to automatically calculate the Average/Max/Min/Standard Deviation values of all relevant runs by ticking the selection box next to the relevant run number.
Once more than one result has been selected, the average, maximum and minimum values will be displayed, and once more than two results have been selected, the standard deviation of the selected runs will be also be displayed.
Selecting the tick box next to the ‘Avg’ line will add a moving average ‘best fit’ curve to all of the selected runs.
Along with the usual dashboard functionality, the ‘R41 Pass-By Noise’ test has some extra options that can be displayed to the user.
By selecting the 'Add Gauge' button from the dashboard tab, a drop down menu will appear whereby the user can select 'Test' and then the desired parameter to be displayed. On selection, a gauge will be automatically added to the dashboard. Any gauges displaying a result of a test, such as an average or maximum value, will have a 'Result' icon
to the left of the gauge name to indicate that it is either a result of the previous run if viewing live data, or the currently selected run if viewing a saved file.
All Result Column parameters are also available as a gauge.
Showing Test Results on the Dashboard
It is possible to display the time and distance test results from the last run completed as a gauge on the dashboard.

It is also possible to show the current run number on the dashboard to give an easy, clear indication of the amount of runs completed. An 'OK Runs' gauge can be added to indicate how many runs have met any specified pass conditions.

Run Status
A 'Run Status' gauge is available for use when conducting live testing to show the status of the last completed run with regards to the Pass Conditions. It will display as a green 'PASS' when the last run has met all Pass Conditions and a red 'FAIL' when any of the Pass Conditions limits have been exceeded.
Distance/Time Since Run
The user can also add gauges to the dashboard that show a live value of either time or distance since the completion of the last run.
Creating a Report
VBOX Test Suite allows the user to turn the results table into a custom report whereby the user can easily compare and display the results from their R41 Pass-by Noise test.
This report will include all of the previously entered session data, along with a table of results from each test as well as the calculated accelerations required by the test.
The user can then choose to print or save this report. A sample of this report can be seen below:-