- Graphics within VBOX Video HD2 Video Updates Slowly
- Troubleshooting tips if the graphics within the VBOX Video HD2 video are updating slowly.
- My HD2 Does Not Work With 60 Frames Per Second Video
- A short article explaining how to find out if your hardware/firmware combination supports 60 fps video.
- No Speed Shown on VBOX Video HD2 Video
- Troubleshooting tips if no speed is shown on the VBOX Video HD2 Video.
- Scene Does Not Upload to VBOX Video HD2
- Troubleshooting tips if the scene does not upload to VBOX Video HD2.
- Ticking Noise on VBOX Video HD2 Video
- Troubleshooting tips if a ticking noise is heard on the video recorded from VBOX Video HD2.
- Unusual VBOX Video HD2 LED Behaviour During Boot Up
- Troubleshooting tips if you are experiencing unusual VBOX Video HD2 LED behaviour during boot up.
- VBOX Video HD2 Camera Troubleshooting
- Troubleshooting tips if the VBOX Video HD2 cameras are not working correctly.
- VBOX Video HD2 Continuously Beeps
- Troubleshooting tips if VBOX Video HD2 just continually beeps.
- VBOX Video HD2 Crashes on Startup When Logging to USB Storage
- Troubleshooting tips if VBOX Video HD2 crashes on startup when using using the optional RLCAB073 cable or the RLACS237 start/stop logging switch to record to USB storage.
- VBOX Video HD2 freezes after firmware upgrade
- A troubleshooting article explaining why the VBOX HD2 unit may have frozen and how to fix it when upgrading the firmware version.
- VBOX Video HD2 Has Simultaneous Solid (or Flashing) OK, GPS and REC Lights
- Troubleshooting tips if VBOX Video HD2 is displaying simultaneous solid (or flashing) OK, GPS and REC lights
- VBOX Video HD2 Has Trouble Locking onto Satellites
- Troubleshooting tips if VBOX Video HD2 is having trouble locking onto satellites.
- VBOX Video HD2 Not Responding
- Troubleshooting tips if VBOX Video HD2 has become non responsive.
- VBOX Video HD2 Won't Record When REC Button is Pushed
- Troubleshooting tips if VBOX Video HD2 will not record when the REC button is pushed on the front of the unit.