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This page contains information about the compatible media for LabSat 4 (P).
File Formats

LabSat 4 uses a Linux .ext4 formatted drive for data storage.

Recorded data consists of the following files:

  • .LS4
    The RF signal data is stored in a raw binary file with the extension .LS4.
  • .ini
    The configuration used to record and replay the data is stored in a file with the extension .ini.
  • .ser
    Data from a RS232 log file is stored in files with the extension .ser
  • .LS4D
    The data from the configured digital channels will be stored in a file with the extension .LS4D.
  • .txt 
    Data from a CAN log file is stored in a readable text file. 


When a scenario is copied to or from the internal SSD in Labsat 4, you must make sure that all the files that are associated with that scenario are copied together.

SD Cards

The 8 GB SD card that is included with LabSat 4 (P) is for firmware upgrades only. Do not use this to replay or transfer scenario files.

Note: To reduce the risk of any unwanted signal noise, you should remove the SD card from the LabSat 4 unit when you are not performing a firmware update. 
USB Storage Device 

LabSat 4 units have a Host USB port that you can use to connect a USB storage device in .ext4 format.

This is only to be used for copying files to and from the internal SSD.

Solid State Drive (SSD)
Supplied SSD 

LabSat 4 includes a Samsung PM893 SSD with 7.68 TB of storage that LabSat 4 will use to replay scenario files from. 

The SSD will also include demo files:

  • File name as displayed on LabSat 4 Display: SatGen_Static_Demo_10Min

Duration: 10minutes

Scenario Type: SatGen Simulation

RF CH1: BW 59.5MHz QUA 4bit CF 1581.840MHz

RF CH2: BW 59.5MHz QUA 4bit CF 1255.351MHz

RF CH3: BW 59.5MHz QUA 4bit CF 1189.622MHz


  • File name as displayed on LabSat 4 Display: UK_Dynamic_Demo

Duration: 18minutes

Scenario Type: Real World Recording

RF CH1: BW 20MHz QUA 4bit CF 1575.420MHz

RF CH2: BW 40MHz QUA 4bit CF 1176.450MHz

RF CH3: BW 20MHz QUA 4bit CF 1227.600MHz

SSD Access 

The SSD included with your LabSat 4 is removable. To remove or insert the SSD, you must first remove the lid on the LabSat 4 unit. Push down the lid release lever on the rear panel while you push the lid towards the back of the unit. You can then remove the SSD by gently lifting it by the attached tag.

You can reattach the lid to the unit by positioning the locating lugs by the mounting holes with the LabSat logo facing forward.  Press the lid down and slide it towards the front of the unit. The lid will automatically lock in place when it is closed correctly. 


The LabSat 4 unit must be powered down while you remove or re-insert the SSD.

SSD Format 

Select the following options to format the SSD via the front panel display on the LabSat 4 unit:

MENU -> File -> Format SDD -> Yes.

LabSat 4_Menu_File (v1.0 RE 11JUN2024)_300px.png LabSat 4_FileMenu_FormatSSD  (v1.0 RE 23MAY2024)_300px.png LabSat 4_Menu_File_FormatSSD_Yes (v1.0 RE 3JUN2024).png


When you format the SSD all the recorded data on the SSD will be erased. 

Network Share

You can also connect to and use Network File Systems (NFS), such as Windows File Explorer and high-speed Network Attached Storage (NAS) devices to manage and replay scenario files.  

File Access

You can view and manage the available files on the internal SSD by connecting your LabSat 4 to a PC with an Ethernet cable. Go to the LAN settings on the LabSat 4 display to find the unit's IP address.

Menu -> Setup -> LAN 

If required, you can enable and define a static IP address in the LAN settings. Open a file explorer window on your PC and enter \\<IP address> in the address bar.


Note: If Network Security has been enabled on your LabSat 4, you must enter a username and password to access the LabSat4 folder. You can read more about Network Security and how to access the files when it is enabled here
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