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RACELOGIC Support Centre

Satellites - SatGen 4

This page covers the Satellites tab in the SatGen 4 software.

The Satellites tab will show you a list of the available satellites in the different constellations applicable to your system. You can see the satellites that are visible above the set elevation mask, the satellites' PRN number, azimuth in degrees and elevation in degrees, an ascension/descension indicator for each satellite and the attenuation level for each satellite. 



The top bar in the Satellites tab contains:

  • The UTC time for the selected waypoint/timeline point in the route.
    • You can adjust the date by clicking on the up and down arrows on the right-hand side of the date or by clicking on the single down arrow to see a dropdown with a calendar to pick a new date.
    • You can adjust the time by clicking on the time and typing in the new one. 
  • Arrow buttons for navigation between waypoints/timeline points in the route.
    • Click on the left and right arrows to navigate to the previous or next point in the route.
  • Settings and more button

Click on the Settings and more button to see a dropdown with the following options:

  • Select All
  • Deselect All
  • Select All in [current constellation]
  • Deselect All in [current constellation]
  • Link Attenuation for [current constellation]
  • Clear satellite changes 
Click on the constellation tabs to see the list of satellites available from each constellation.  Constellation tabs.png
Click on the column headers to sort the satellites based on that column.  SatGen4_v4.1_Satellites_column headers_400px.png
You can deselect satellites you do not want to include in your scenario file by clicking on the tick box for the relevant satellite to remove the tick mark.   

Right-click on any element in the Satellites tab to access a dropdown menu where you can:

  • Select All
  • Deselect All
  • Link Attenuation


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