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RACELOGIC Support Centre

4.2 GNSS Menu

This page is an overview of the GNSS menu in the VBOX Setup Software connected to a VBOX 100 Hz Speed Sensor (v5). It covers GNSS optimisation, DGNSS/RTK settings and GNSS settings. This menu also has an Engineering Diagnostics tab.

GNSS Menu.png

GNSS optimisation

This option allows you to change the sensitivity of the GNSS engine.

  • High dynamics (default) - For high dynamic applications such as brake stop testing.
  • Medium dynamics - Suitable for all other testing.
  • Low dynamics - For less dynamic applications, such as steady state speed measurement or coastdown testing. 
GNSS Menu - GNSS Optimisation.png

This option allows you to select whether the VBOX  uses differential GNSS. Use the drop-down menus to select the desired mode and baud rate.

Mode  - lets you select the desired

  • None (default) - Differential GNSS is off.
  • CMR (2cm RTK) - 2 cm correction (Trimble standard message type).
  • RTCMv3 (2cm RTK) - 2 cm correction (RTCM standard message type). This is the recommended setting.
  • NTRIP - Internet-based subscription service, more information on this can be found here.
  • MB-Base - Mode for use in Moving Base ADAS applications.
  • MB-Rover - Mode for use in Moving Base ADAS applications.
  • RTCM (40 cm) - The VBOX unit receives RTCM corrections via a Racelogic telemetry module and a locally placed Base Station. Contact Racelogic or your local agent for more details.
  • SBAS - SBAS differential corrections are received from the nearest Geo-stationary GPS-SBAS satellite.


RS232 baud rate - Sets the DGNSS serial rate, and is available to select when a DGNSS mode option other than None is selected. To ensure that the VBOX unit receives the DGNSS correction signal, the correct RS232 baud rate must be set. All Racelogic blue-boxed radios use 115200 kbit/s, Satel grey-boxed radios use either 19200 kbit/s or 38400 kbit/s.



GNSS Menu - DGNSS dropdown.png


GNSS Menu - RS232 baud rate dropdown.png


Leap Second

The leap second value can be changed if required. This was increased to 18 seconds as of December 2016 - more information on this is available here.


Elevation Mask

Allows you to change the elevation mask, selectable from 10 to 25° (10° by default). If the testing area has nearby trees or buildings, you may benefit from increasing this value to reduce the effect of multipath. More information on this is available here.

Note: Increasing this value will reduce the number of satellites the VBOX will be able to use.

GNSS Menu - Settings.png
Engineering diagnostics

GNSS menu - Engineering diagnostics.png

The Engineering Diagnostics tab contains information about the connected VBOX unit and the GNSS engine. This is also where you can coldstart your unit. 

By pressing the GNSS coldstart button, you can reset the GNSS receiver and clear the last known position and almanac. 

Send Engineering Code to GPS Board

This area is used to set non-standard settings in the GNSS engine. This should only be used under advice from a Racelogic support technician.

GNSS menu - Engineering diagnostics - Send code to GPS board.png

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