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RACELOGIC Support Centre

01 - VBOX Video Overview - macOS

As well as having the ability to adjust settings within the HD2 unit, VBOX Video Setup Software provides full graphical overlay user configurability. For example, you can create custom dials, choose how large/ where you would like your logo to be and also change where the second camera is located. The scene can then be uploaded on to the unit by saving to an SD card or USB memory and inserting into the powered VBOX.

The Software can be downloaded from here.

IMPORTANT – macOS version 10.11 or later is required.

When the software is loaded, the first screen that is presented is the Scene Selector. Here you can choose a default, custom or new scene to be loaded into the Scene Editor area.

VBVS Mac Scene Library Selector1.png

Once a scene has been loaded, the main areas of the software are shown below:

VBVS Mac Overview Areas.png

  • The purple box is the settings bar. This allows access to the General Settings, to the supplied library of scene files and to save the scene to the SD card or USB stick.
  • The green box highlights the top panel buttons which allow access to the CAN and OBD settings, the supplied library of elements, as well as saving and uploading scene files.
  • The red box highlights the main view area. This shows the current layout for all elements which will appear in the video overlay.
  • The blue box highlights the dynamic settings panel. This will change depending on what is selected within the software, allowing different elements to be configured easily within one screen.

Note: Any changes made to the general scene settings within the 'dynamic settings panel' on the right will be saved by the software when it is closed.

Settings bar

VBVS Mac Settings Bar.png


Pressing the VBVS Mac Scene Library Back Button.png button on the left of the settings bar will return to the Scene Selector, more information on this is available here.

General Settings

The  VBVS Mac General Settings Button.png button will take you to the General Settings area, enabling you to define logging conditions, filenames, smoothing, video quality, audio behaviour, serial and Bluetooth settings. More information on this can be found here.

To return to the scene designer, press the VBVS Mac Scene Library Back Button.png button in the top left corner of the General Settings area.

VBVS Mac General Settings Overview.png

Selecting the VBVS Mac Scene Library Button.png button in the top left corner will take you back to the Scene Selector. If you have made any changes within your current scene, a popup will urge you to save any unsaved changes.


Save to SD

The VBVS Mac Save to SD.png button allows you to save a scene file to an SD card or USB stick, which can then be uploaded to the VBOX Video HD2.

VBVS Mac Save to SD2.png

IMPORTANT – Scenes cannot be named as 'default'.

Note: If a scene is saved and a file with the same name exists on the card/stick, the original will automatically have the file type suffix changed from '.vvhsn' to '.bak' and the new one will be saved as normal. To open the old one, manually change the file type suffix back to '.vvhsn' and it will work as normal.

Uploading a scene

Once a scene file has been saved to the SD card or USB stick using the 'Save to SD' button:

  • Power up the VBOX Video HD2 unit with cameras connected. 
  • Load the SD card or USB stick into the front panel - the OK LED will flash green fast as the scene is loaded.
  • The HD2 will double beep when the upgrade is complete - the OK LED will change to solid green.

Top panel buttons

These buttons are used to load scene files, view CAN and OBD settings, access the library of elements as well as set up lap timing.

VBVS Mac Top Buttons.png


Open new file

The VBVS Mac Load.png button enables you to load a new scene file. Click here for more information on importing a scene.

Save scene to library

Selecting the  VBVS Mac Save.png button will save the new or edited scene to the software scene library, more information on this is available here.

Channel settings

The VBVS Mac Channel Settings.png button opens up a Channel Settings window where you can configure CAN, OBD and Performance tests channels.

VBVS Mac Channel Settings Button.png

For more information on each of these settings area, click on the relevant options below:


Element buttons

These buttons access the library of default and saved gauges allowing them to be easily added to any scene.

VBVS Mac Element Buttons.png

Click below for more information on each specific element:

Main view area/ Dynamic settings panel

Mouse navigation

When no element is selected, the dynamic settings panel will show settings for mouse navigation. See the ‘hotkeys’ table below for all mouse functions.

Left mouse button

Elements can be selected by clicking and dragging the left mouse button. Once selected, they can also be moved by holding the left mouse button and manually dragging to a new location, or by using the keyboard arrow keys as explained below.

Right mouse button options

Right-clicking within the scene will open an Options menu which will vary depending on whether you have clicked on an element or within an empty area. Available options include element order, Copy, Cut, Paste, Delete, Group, Save, Undo and Paste.

VBVS Mac Right Click.png

Element options

VBVS Mac Right Click1.png

Empty area options

Manual zoom controls

VBVS Mac Zoom.png

There are manual zoom options available at all times at the bottom of the software. Here, you are able to zoom in, zoom out, or return to full screen mode at any time.


Scene settings

When no element is selected, the dynamic settings panel will show general settings for the scene editor.

VBVS Mac Scene Settings.png


Grid spacing can be changed to suit your preference or screen.

VBVS Mac Grid Spacing.png


The background grid can be enabled or disabled, it is useful when aligning elements.


This setting can be turned on to aid with aligning text elements more easily. It is not recommended to leave this setting on all the time, as it will move elements slightly to snap to the grid every time they are re-located.

VBVS Mac Snap to grid.png

VBVS Mac Snap to grid1.png

This setting enables you to choose between a light (default) and dark canvas scene editor background.

VBVS Mac Light Canvas.png

Light canvas

VBVS Mac Dark Canvas.png

Dark canvas


Selecting this option will animate elements such as Gauge needles, G-Ball, Range, etc, so that you can see the expected output within the video.

Order Elements

When elements are included within the scene, you can use the 'Bring to front' or 'Send to back' buttons at the bottom of the settings bar to arrange the order in which they are viewed when overlapping each other.

VBVS Mac Bring to front.png

Bring to front button

VBVS Mac Send to back.png

Send to back button



Elements can also be ordered by right clicking on the element(s).

VBVS Mac Bring to front right click.png

Right click order options

Menu Bar

VBVS Mac Menu bar.png

The Apple menu bar contains software version information and a list of software functions.


VBOX Video

VBVS Mac Menu bar VBOX Video.png

This menu contains an 'About' option which will display the current software version being used.

VBVS Mac About.png


File, Edit, View and Window

These menus contain a list of functions and their corresponding hotkeys/ shortcuts that can be used within the software. More information on these can be found here.

VBVS Mac Menu bar File.png VBVS Mac Menu bar Edit.png VBVS Mac Menu bar View.png VBVS Mac Menu bar Window.png


VBVS Mac Menu bar Help.png

Selecting 'VBOX Video Help' will open this software manual online within the Racelogic Support Centre.

VBOX Video software will automatically check for any updates every time it is started up on a computer with an internet connection. This feature can be disabled here – however we would recommend keeping this turned on.

Selecting 'Check for updates' will open a new window which displays the currently installed software version, circuit database and vehicle database version being used. Providing there is a valid internet connection, clicking on 'Update' next to any of these will manually check to see if any updates are available.

VBVS Mac Check For Updates.png

Hotkeys and shortcuts

Controls Function
Left click Select
Left click + drag Multi-select/ temporary group*
Left click + shift Multi-select/ temporary group
Right click Right click menu access
Left arrow ← Move selected element left
Right arrow  Move selected element right
Up arrow  Move selected element up
Down arrow ↓ Move selected element down
Command + Left arrow ← Move selected element left slowly
Command + Right arrow  Move selected element right slowly
Command + Up arrow  Move selected element up slowly
Command + Down arrow ↓ Move selected element down slowly
0 Zoom reset
= Zoom in
- Zoom out
Backspace Delete selected element
Command + 1 Switch to the scene selector window
Command + 2 Switch to the scene editor window
Command + 3 Switch to the general settings window
Command + 4 Save scene to SD card/ USB stick
Command + B Send selected element to back
Command + C Copy selected element
Command + F Bring selected element to front
Command + G Group selected elements
Command + L Open channel selector window
Command + O Open scene file
Command + Q Quit VBOX Video
Command + S Save scene to library
Command + U Ungroup selected elements
Command + V Paste copied element
Command + X Cut selected element
Command + Z Undo
Command + Shift + Z Redo
Magic mouse double tap Zoom in/ out
Magic mouse swipe
  • Swipe left/ right through general settings
  • Pan when zoomed in
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