ADAS Vehicle Contact Points Setup
Up to 2 contact points can inputted by entering a numerical offset from the antenna, or you can set up to 24 contact points by using a GPS antenna.
Vehicle to Vehicle Contact Points
More detailed instructions are available here
- Park two vehicles aligned in a straight line bumper to bumper, Target ahead, Subject behind.
- Measure the distance between the primary antenna (or IMU if IMU integration is enabled) of the Target vehicle and the rear bumper of the Target vehicle.
- In the Subject vehicle, use VBOX Manager to select 'Subject' within the 'ADAS Function' menu then choose 'Target Vehicle 1 Contact Points'.
- Select 'Enter Contact Points' and choose '1' contact point.
- Enter the measured 'Behind' offset value.
- Measure the distance between the primary antenna (or IMU if IMU integration has been enabled) of the Subject vehicle and the front bumper of the Subject vehicle or open VBOX Tools/ VBOX Test Suite and make a note of the ‘Vehicle separation range’ channel value (recommended).
- In the Subject vehicle, use VBOX Manager to select 'Subject' within the 'ADAS Function' menu then choose 'Subject Vehicle Contact Points'.
- Select 'Enter Contact Points' and choose '1' contact point.
- Enter the measured 'Ahead' offset value.
- Repeat this process to define another target vehicle if required.
Manually Entering up to 2 Contact Points
More detailed instructions are available here
- Use VBOX Manager to select 'Subject' within the 'ADAS Function' menu then choose either 'Subject Vehicle Contact Points', 'Target Vehicle 1 Contact Points' or 'Target Vehicle 2 Contact Points'.
- Select 'Enter Contact Points' and define whether you would like to set 1 or 2 contact points.
- Enter the numerical ahead/ behind and right/ left offset value of each point to the primary antenna (or IMU if IMU integration is enabled).
- Repeat this process to define the other vehicle(s).
Setting up to 24 Contact Points
More detailed instructions are available here
- Connect a ground plane antenna to the VBOX.
- Ensure there is a fixed RTK solution.
- Using a survey pole, move the antenna to the desired contact point on the vehicle.
- Use VBOX Manager to select 'Subject' within the 'ADAS Function' menu then choose either 'Subject Vehicle Contact Points', 'Target Vehicle 1 Contact Points' or 'Target Vehicle 2 Contact Points'.
- Select 'Set Point'.
- Move the antenna to another desired point of contact and repeat the process until all the desired points are set, or a limit of 24 is reached.
- Move the antenna to the location of antenna A and select 'Set Antenna A', or if you are intending to use IMU Integration, move the antenna to the location of the IMU04 and select 'Set Antenna A'.
- If you are using a dual antenna setup, move the antenna to the location of Antenna B and select 'Set Body Heading'. If you are using a single antenna setup, move the antenna to a position in front of antenna A in the direction of travel and select 'Set Body Heading'.
- Repeat this process to define the other vehicle(s).
Saving Vehicle Contact Points
More detailed instructions are available here
- After the required contact points have been surveyed, points can be saved to the compact flash card by using VBOX Manager to select 'Save Contact Points' within either the 'Subject Vehicle Contact Points', 'Target Vehicle 1 Contact Points' or 'Target Vehicle 2 Contact Points' menu.
- Create a new file or overwrite a previously saved file.
Loading Vehicle Contact Points
More detailed instructions are available here
- Use VBOX Manager to select either the 'Subject Vehicle Contact Points', 'Target Vehicle 1 Contact Points' or 'Target Vehicle 2 Contact Points' menu.
- Select 'Load Contact Points' and choose a file to load.